JANŠA SE JOŠ NIJE OGLASIO: Održane masovne propalestinske demonstracije u Londonu (FOTO, VIDEO)

Građani Londona su marširali ulicama prestonice Velike Britanije u znak solidarnosti s Palestincima.

  • Svijet

  • 22. Maj 2021  22. Maj 2021

  • 0

Okupljeni su nosili transparente “Oslobodite Palestinu”, “Zaustavite ubijanje”, “Sankcije Izraelu”, “Obustavite bombaške napade na Gazu”, “Dalje ruke od Al-Akse”, “Bombardovanje djece nije odbrana”, prenosi Daily Mail.

Mogle su se vidjeti i mnogobrojne zastave Palestine, kao i zaštitne maske sa oznakom “Oslobodite Palestinu”.

Thousands of protesters have gathered in central London for a second weekend in a row as they called for an 'urgent' resolution to the Israeli-Palestine conflict

Met police officers line the streets as thousands of protesters took the streets of London in support of the Palestinian people

A pro-Palestine activist holds a placards opposite the London Eye as they march in central London on Saturday afternoon

Pro-Palestine demonstrators hold placards as the march to Parliament Square in central London on Saturday afternoon

The large group, situated close to Victoria Embankment, stretched across the surrounding roads, with traffic blocked off from several directions as dozens of police officers watched on

Demonstrators hold up placards with messages critical of Israel as activists marched from Embankment to Hyde Park in solidarity with Palestine

Mr Ali added: He added: 'Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and children have been bombed and murdered, Palestine has to be free'

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